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::::  Christopher Licari ::::   :: My profile::

the art of communication has been for me a great passion since i was very young, and this passion have taken me to the choice of my today activity.

sale activity is not a job similar to others, it is an art which requires a deep knowledge on its field, but beside to this, the communication capacity plays a firm rule.

to sale means to be able to convince anybody to its convenience at the proposed deal. this my interpretation is fixing the difference among the sale as by me defined respect to a simple supply of goods effected to the client, just for the unquestionable reason that on the sale, the focal, and therefore the essential point, is linked to the capability to "persuade".

i did repeat to me always: " it is not the goods which is sold but the idea" and in order to sale an idea, it is requested to have a large knowledge and experience on the communication.

to knowing how to communicate and therefore to sale an idea, it is equal to be able to find the right argumentation which exactly corresponds to the first reason to the which the customer links its desire.

by the above principle, i draw an important meditation which tells:

"study your interlocutor and his feeling"; doing so i realize that him soon will be influenced by the feelings much more than could be generally believed. so that, it takes me always to know before the man who is on my client.

of course this requires a hard time, but when an angel patience is joined to a blood-hound persisting, then the hard job done gives the appreciated result that the time had worked for me, since the client became confident as he feels himself strongly supported by me.

i do know a fluent english, and arabic at about 60% only spoken

(please have a look to my activity too)



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More than 20 plants in semi and automatic version to mould double layer terrazzo tiles were sold from years '90 up to 1997 on the Gulf Countries

N° 03 Single layer thin tiles plants in semi automatic version sold in Dubai from 1997 to 2002

N° 01 Single layer thin tiles plant in automatic version sold in Greece on 1998

N° 01 Single layer thin tiles plant in semi automatic version sold in Kuwait on


N° 01 Cement products moulding plant automatic version sold in U A E on 2000

N° 01 Single layer thin tiles plant in automatic version sold in Egypt on 2000

N° 01 Cement products moulding plant automatic version sold in Kuwait on 2002

N° 01 Single layer thin tiles plant and Steps in automatic version sold in

Kuwait 2001

N° 01 Single layer thin tiles plant in automatic version sold in Australia on


N° 01 Grinding Polishing machine sold in Qatar on 2002

N° 01 Single layer thin tiles plant in automatic version sold Qatar on 2003

N° 01 Rotative press sold in Qatar on 2003

N° 01 Single layer thin tiles plant in automatic version sold in U S A on 2004

N° 01 Rotative press sold in Qatar on 2004

N° 01 Single layer thin tiles plant in semi automatic version sold in Dubai on


N° 01 Grinding polishing machine 12 heads sold in Doha on year 2005

N° 02 Automatic rotative press sold in Doha on year 2005

N° 01 Semi automatic plant mono layer sold in Dubai on year 2005

N° 02 Automatic fresh tile taking off system sold in Muscat on year 2007-

N° 02 Automatic fresh tile taking off system sold in UAE on year 2007-


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:::::   Christopher  Licari  official web site 2004   -    all rights reserved    :::::